Educate Your Mind Through Art & Culture

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Imagination and ideas - intertwined, like hand in glove.

As with truths, they cannot be taught but can only be realised and experienced. At 3rd Wave, we’re here to guide you to find that inner voice. Through a series of programmes that are designed to inspire both visually and intellectually, students will participate in studio visits, workshops, lectures / seminars by both local and international visiting artists, curators and philosophers. With the addition of specifically tailored overseas art trips and an exhibition at the end of the course to present the achievements of their learning, our programmes aim to address the chronic lack of attention and dedication from an industrialised pedagogy system and re-emphasis what has long been missing from our current mainstream education: 


Everything is connected in some way or another.  3rd Wave  expects students who appreciate their own instincts and are driven by their hearts to seek further develop their talents with us. You should be prepared to examine and re-examine how you perceive time and history in relation to yourself, and ultimately to the quest of finding the way to express your art – to piece together all that which is meaningful to you, before re-presenting these ideas and visions to the world around you.  ​​

It is not a cliché to repeat that Everything Starts With An Idea

An idea once manifested, can then be applied to a myriad of disciplines and practices, regardless of time, space or genres. It is also transferable, free to meet other ideas, metamorphose and ever-evolving, independently as well as collectively.  At 3rd Wave it is our duty to encourage and promote different ways of looking and thinking, to observe and explore through a different perspective of our current world, with a healthy dose of curiosity and references to draw new connections. We believe the future for humanity is one that is not only based on the current socio-political, economic or even ideological model, but on our future generation’s ability to create and implement their new ideas. Because it is only then we can truly achieve our full potentials.​

The Catalyst will provide a breeding ground for a new generation of would be future cultural figures, to help shape the paths ahead and to offer opportunity to show case their eclectic projects.


